Tempat Pertama

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pasukan yang mewakili Lane 5 ini telah menjuarai dalam acara berkumpulan yang disertai oleh tiga pemain lelaki dan seorang wakil tunggal perempuan. Mereka ialah Ustaz Khairul, Wan Zul, Aizat dan Nurul.

Dalam acara pertandingan bowling ini, pasukan Lane 5 telah menjuarai kumpulan dengan jumlah jatuhan pin bagi 3 games adalah 1497 dengan 25 strikes dan 30 spares. Pasukan ini pada asalnya bukanlah sebagai pasukan sasaran untuk memenangi perlawanan ini sebaliknya tidak meletakkan apa-apa target.

Jumlah jatuhan individu bagi pasukan ini dirangkul oleh Wan Zul iaitu sebanyak 505 jatuhan pin dengan 10 strikes dan 15 spares dan juga memenangi bagi pemain yang paling tinggi jatuhan pin. Diikuti dengan Ustaz Khairul dengan jatuhan pin sebanyak 385 dengan 9 strikes dan 5 spares.

Bagi Nurul pula mengutip sebanyak 306 jatuhan pin berbeza 5 jatuhan pin dengan Aizat dan mengutip sebanyak 2 strikes dan 6 spares manakala bagi Aizat pula denganjumlah jatuhan pin adalah 301 dan mengutip 4 strikes dan 4 spares.

Tempat ke-2

Tempat ke-3

Tempat ke-4

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tempat ke-5

Tempat ke-6

Tempat ke-7

Pasukan Bowling

Individual Standing

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Individual Standing (Man)

Ranking Player Lane Strike Spare Total
1 Wan Zul 5 10 15 505
2 Zen 2 11 5 456
3 Ust. Khairul 5 9 5 385
4 Napi 7 5 9 362
5 Are-Peace 1 5 7 359
6 Zam 7 3 6 323
7 Acuk 7 5 4 317
8 Asri 1 4 5 314
9 Azrul 2 4 8 311
10 En Zain 4 4 7 306
11 Aizat 5 4 4 301
12 Adzie 7 2 5 273
13 Zhafran 3 3 3 273
14 Aizuddin 6 2 5 193
15 Azlan 6 1 5 186

Individual Standing (Woman)

Ranking Player Lane Strike Spare Total
1 Roze 1 4 8 342
2 Nurul 5 2 6 306
3 Samaniah 3 0 5 263
4 Ima 3 2 4 244
5 Dee 2 2 3 238
6 Tila 2 1 5 235
7 Asmida 4 2 3 224
8 Tinie 1 2 1 215
9 Rafis 4 0 5 189
10 Aisyah 4 1 0 173
11 Ain 6 2 2 143
12 Yasmin 6 1 2 126
13 Rohana 3 0 0 115

Group Standing Bowling

Group Standing

Rank Player Lane Strike Spare Total
1 Aizat, Nurul, U.K, Wan Zul 5 25 30 1497
2 Acuk, Adzie, Napi, Zam 7 15 24 1275
3 Azrul, Dee, Tila, Zen 2 18 21 1240
4 Are-Peace, Asri, Roze, Tinie 1 15 21 1230
5 Ain, Aizuddin, Azlan, Yasmin 6 7 18 954
6 Aisyah, Asmida, En Zain, Rafis 4 7 15 892
7 Ima, Rohana, Samaniah, Zhafran 3 5 12 859


Berikut adalah kedudukan terkini pasukan yang bertanding pada kejohanan bowling MSTC yang diadakan baru-baru ini

Kejohanan Bowling MSTC

Pada 26 Disember 09 telah berlangsung acara bowling antara pelatih yang mengambil jurusan komposit. Seramai 28 pemain terlibat yang dibahagikan kepada tujuh kumpulan. Dalam setiap kumpulan mewakili empat orang pemain.

Turut hadir sama dalam kejohanan tersebut adalah En Zin selaku penaja utama yang juga tenaga pengajar kepada pelatih siri 1 dan 2. Turut mengambil bahagian dalam acara bowling itu juga adalah Ustaz Khairul yang mana menunjukkan kehebatannya setelah sekian lama tidak beraksi.

Acara yang dipertandingkan adalah pasukan terbaik, skor tertinggi bagi lelaki dan perempuan, hadiah misteri, cabutan bertuah dan keseragaman pakaian. Tujuh hadiah cabutan bertuah disediakan dan dua hadiah misteri turut disediakan yang mana masing-masing dimenangi oleh Nurul Ain dari kumpulan 6 dan Nurul Nissa kumpulan 5. Hadiah bagi keseragaman pakaian dimenangi oleh pasukan kumpulan 6 yang diketuai oleh Aizuddin.

Juara bagi acara berpasukan telah dimenangi oleh dari pasukan kumpulan 5 yang dianggotai oleh Aizat, Azmi, Nurul dan Ustaz Khairul dengan jumlah jatuhan pin sebanyak 1497 bagi 3 game dengan strike sebanyak 25 dan spare sebanyak 30.

Bagi kategori individu skor tertinggi lelaki dimenangi oleh Azmi dari kumpulan 5 dengan jatuhan pin sebanyak 505 bagi 3 game yang dipertandingkan dengan 10 strike dan 15 spare. Bagi kategori individu skor tertinggi perempuan dimenangi oleh Ros dari kumpulan 1 dengan jatuhan pin 342 bagi 3 game dengan 4 stike dan 8 spare.

Acara bermula jam 10.30 pagi itu berakhir jam 1.30 petang dan sesi bergambar antara pasukan yang bertanding turut dihadiri oleh Firdaus dan isterinya, Hajar. Kejohanan bowling ini akan diteruskan lagi pada bulan Februari 2010 yang mana pemilihan adalah berdasarkan pilihan secara undi.

Download Photo

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Please download your photo and video project at http://photomycomposites.blogspot.com or Gallery
Thank you from admin

Download Your Photo Project Here

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Please download your photo and video project at http://photomycomposites.blogspot.com
Thank you from admin

Video Honey Comb

Video Laminating

New Members

Friday, October 23, 2009

Total of 18 people have joined a new community Myomposites Team comprised of 12 men and 6 women.

hopefully their presence further strengthens Mycomposites Team and together we established ukhuwah fellow.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

KevlarTM is one of a family of fibers known as aramid fibers. It is perhaps the best known because of its use in bullet-proof vest for policemen, soldiers, and VIPs and their bodyguards. By weight, it is much stronger than steel. It is also remarkably resistant to heat and to damage from slicing, cutting, or ripping. Special water-proofing needs to be added to the manufacturing process should the specific strength characteristics need to hold up when wet.

While its use in bullet-proof vests made it famous, KevlarTM is used in an immense number of other applications to replace steel. Originally formulated for use in tires, it has now found its way into products for light aircraft, for use in sails as well as other marine applications, for training or handling dangerous animals, and in equipment for extreme sports.

Because of Kevlar'sTM fire resistant nature, it is also commonly used as a replacement for asbestos in modern construction projects. Fire suits, too, commonly are made from KevlarTM. Whatever application you have in mind, that requires extreme durability and protective characteristics, PCT's team of talented designers and engineers can find just the right solution.

If you already know exactly what you need, down to the closest tolerances, PCT can meet your exact specifications. We work with the most demanding military and industrial clients to provide the highest quality composite material components available. To ensure this quality, we adhere to strict quality control procedures. We are also ISO-9000 certified.

Carbon Fiber

Power and Composite Technologies specializes in the precision design and engineering of carbon fiber products for the medical, aerospace, military, and recreational industries. In addition to the catalog of carbon fiber products PCT manufactures regularly, we are experts in the custom design and engineering of specialty products, prototypes, and other customer-specified, short-run items.

The engineering staff at PCT is recognized for its ability to design and engineer custom products with tight tolerances for extremely demanding applications. Customers can request specific dielectric properties, thermal conductivities, corrosion and chemical resistances, colors, strength-to-weight ratios, and more. PCT can also reverse-engineer any product needing replacement for which you do not have the specifications.

PCT can design and manufacture custom structures or precisely match customer specifications for products from bicycle frames and baseball bats to automobile suspensions and MRI gradient tubes. PCT facilities and procedures are ISO-9000 certified and operate under a comprehensive quality assurance program. Every phase of design and production is subject to continuous inspection, monitoring, and testing.


Fiberglass is one of the oldest composite technologies widely in use today, and PCT is one of the leading designers and manufacturers of custom, fiberglass structures and components in the world. We are extraordinarily experienced with using high-quality E-glass and S-glass for some of the most demanding applications in the world, including aerospace and medical technologies. Our engineering team can design a custom solution for you from the ground up, or reverse engineer any part you need--even if you do not have the specs for it.

Fiberglass is the layman's term for what industry professionals often refer to as FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic/polymer), GRP (glass-fiber reinforced plastic/polymer), and GRE (glass-fiber reinforced epoxy). However it is asked for, fiberglass is the material in question. Not all fiberglass is the same, though. In fact, there are huge differences depending on the type of glass used, the production method, the necessary machining, and the product's intended application.

E-glass is commonly used in situations where the component needs certain electrical properties. S-glass is commonly chosen for applications where the strength of the final product is of critical importance. Keep in mind, though, that PCT can custom engineer any properties you need into your final product.

PCT gained our experience and earned our reputation supplying GE with custom composites for their power generation equipment. Our high standards, customer orientation, and strict quality control systems are how we continue to hold such an exemplary reputation for high quality output. No job is too big, too demanding, or too complicated for PCT to handle.
